female, DOB: 21.11.2017
Titles: Slovak Beauty Champion
Medical exams: Patella luxation 0/0 negative. Ophtalmologic exam: free
C.I.B., CH FI, DK, SE, EE, NO, CZ Diamella Youthful Superstar/FI | Petit Ami`s Just –In –Time/NO | Petit Ami`s Only The Lonely/NO |
Petit Ami`s Afer Me Please/NO | ||
Diamella Yumatul Wida/FI | Manoir`s Zoom to Wyomaers/FI | |
Diamella Yumatul Wida (FI) | Diamella Hot Shot/FI | |
C.I.B.,Ch HU, SK, Club Champion Via Victoria Danco of Amber/SK | C.I.B, CH HU, SK, PL Quicksilver Danco of Amber/SK | Sweetness Blizzard`s Vivaldi/DE |
Honey for all Danco of Amber/SK | ||
Trillian Caitlin Lady/SK | Ycy Teddy Bear Danco of Amber/SK | |
Gimi-Love Qumaj z Podchotucí/CZ |